Category: JavaScript

A control panel

Taking Control of Video and Audio on Web Pages

I’ve been using a chrome extension called Video Speed Controller for a few weeks to control speed of videos on web pages which was a productivity-hack recommended by Wes Bos on the excellent Syntax podcast, which he co-hosts alongside Scott Tolinski. As Wes pointed out, most video on the web is just HTML5 video elements and that is what allows plugins of this kind to work. Recently, my friends were discussing the lack of basic functionality, such as even a pause button, on many videos on the wb. I was already familiar with the HTMLMediaElement properties and methods, which I've… Continue reading »

an hourglass and various clocks

Converting Seconds Into Readable Time

Converting time into a human-readable format presents a few tricky problems. You can't simply divide by a number and get your answer because time, unlike money for example, is non-decimal; there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour and not 100. Then, on top of that, the number of hours in a day, days in a week and days and weeks in a year would seem incredibly arbitrary if it weren't for the fact that we've known them all of our lives. Continue reading »