5th December 2021
Treasure Dash was a game idea which I'd previously made with a friend as a group project in university. The initial version was written in Java but it was very basic and unfinished. I decided to rebuild the project for the web and bring our initial vision to life. Continue reading »
11th January 2021
The Prisoner's Dilemma is a hugely influential game in the field of Game Theory. In Richard Dawkins' seminal 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, he describes a competition organised by political scientist Robert Axelrod in which competitors could submit code for strategies for playing the game which were then pitted against each other. In this NodeJS app, I implement my own version… Continue reading »
3rd January 2021
I made this website as a way to showcase my projects and provide some background about who I am and the skills I can offer. Continue reading »
18th July 2018
A React single-page application (SPA) which processes the data from podcast RSS feeds and provides key facts such as how long the podcast has existed, what the longest ever episode is and the average time between releases. Continue reading »
7th June 2018
An npm module which converts time in seconds into something human readable, complete with punctuation, conjunctions and nouns where appropriate. Continue reading »
5th June 2018
A simple anagram game. Choose a topic from the highest grossing films of all time to Ballon d'Or winners and test your knowledge by seeing if you can decipher the anagrams. Continue reading »
A randomly generated quiz about your Twitter friends. You will be shown 10 tweets from your friends and your task is to work out who wrote them. You will be given 3 lifelines which provide additional information to help you along the way. Continue reading »